As the single most important element of acoustic treatment, bass traps are really the ONE thing that no studio can do without. Because while regular acoustic panels are great at absorbing mid-high range frequencies… They aren’t very good at handling the low-end, where recording studios experience the worst problems. This is especially true of those with smaller rooms, […]
Headphone Amps 101: The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide
Today’s Essential Studio Topic: Headphone Amps. And in the next few minutes, here are some of the fun topics we’re about to cover: Best Part: Just minutes from right now… your next studio upgrade will be ordered and on the way to your house — and you will be one step closer in your pursuit […]
The Beginner’s Guide to Digital Audio for Music Recording
When home recording first became mainstream… It happened for one simple reason: The analog gear of decades past was slowly, but surely, being replaced… By a new generation of audio interfaces and other digital gear that was cheaper and easier-to-use than ever before. And that trend has continued since. Today…digital audio is the standard nearly all studios, both pro and […]
The 7 Best Studio Mixing Desks for Home Recording
The time comes for us all, when the make-shift workspace you started with… Can no longer support the ever-growing demands of your studio… And it’s time to invest in a proper desk. The problem is, finding the right desk for YOUR studio is no easy task… Because the perfect option for one studio might work terribly for another. […]
How to Soundproof a Room for Music Recording
You never realize how noisy the world actually is, until you first starting learning how to soundproof a room. All that background noise you never really noticed before… Sounds painfully obvious when heard through a condenser microphone. So in today’s post, we’re going to learn how to solve this problem by showing you the best […]